years | first line(s) | type of ode | place or institution | poet | composer |
1694 | Light of the world, and ruler of the year New Year | English court | Matthew Prior | ? Henry Purcell? |
1694 | Light of the world, and ruler of the year (1709 version) New Year | English court | Matthew Prior | ? Henry Purcell? |
1692 | Whilst he abroad does like the sun Birthday, William III | English court | [poet unknown] | ? John Blow? |
1697 | The nymphs of ye wells and ye nymphs of ye hills Birthday, Duke of Gloucester | English court | [poet unknown] | ? John Blow? |
1660 | And is there one fanatique left? Welcome ode ‘upon the happy return of King Charles II’, 1660 | English court | James Shirley | Charles Coleman |
1707 | Hail happy day, when thy beams thou dost display Birthday, Queen Anne | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Charles Ximenes |
1696 | Appear Apollo’s darling sons appear Birthday, Duke of Gloucester, and for his instalment as a Knight of the Order of the Garter. | English court | [poet unknown] | Daniel Purcell |
1698 | Welcome glorious day in times record forever live Birthday, Princess Anne | English court | [poet unknown] | Daniel Purcell |
1700 | Again the welcome morn we sing Birthday, Princess Anne | English court | [poet unknown] | Daniel Purcell |
1714 | Eternal source of light divine Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | Ambrose Philips | George Friedrich Handel |
1684 | Let all our fears, let all our murmurs cease Welcome ode, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | Giovanni Baptista Draghi |
1670 - 1672 | Come we shepherds, whose blest sight Birthday, Charles II | English court | Richard Crashaw | Henry Cooke |
1670 - 1672 | Rise, thou best and brightest morning Birthday, Charles II | English court | Richard Crashaw | Henry Cooke |
1670 - 1672 | Rise, thou best and brightest morning (Printed poem 1652; used for ode 1666 - 1672) New Year’s Day | English court | Richard Crashaw | Henry Cooke |
1666 | Good morrow to the year New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Cooke |
1685 | Why are all the Muses mute? Welcome ode, James II | English court | ? Nahum Tate? | Henry Purcell |
1694 | Come, ye sons of art, away! Birthday, Queen Mary | English court | ? Nahum Tate? | Henry Purcell |
1691 | Welcome glorious morn: Nature smiles at your return Birthday, Queen Mary | English court | ? Thomas Shadwell? | Henry Purcell |
1692 | Love’s goddess sure was blind this day Birthday, Queen Mary | English court | Charles Sedley | Henry Purcell |
1693 | Hark, the muses and the graces call Birthday, Queen Mary | English court | Nahum Tate | Henry Purcell |
1694 | Great parent, hail! Centenary of Trinity College Dublin | Trinity College Dublin | Nahum Tate | Henry Purcell |
1690 | Arise my muse, and to my tuneful lyre compose a mighty ode Birthday, Queen Mary | English court | Thomas D’Urfey | Henry Purcell |
1684 | From those serene and rapturous joys Welcome ode, Charles II | English court | Thomas Flatman | Henry Purcell |
1689 | Now does the glorious day appear Birthday, Queen Mary | English court | Thomas Shadwell | Henry Purcell |
1680 | Welcome, vicegerent of the mighty King Welcome ode, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1681 | Swifter, Isis, swifter flow Welcome ode, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1682 | The summer’s absence unconcerned we bear Welcome ode, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1682 | What shall be done in behalf of the man? Welcome ode Duke of York | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1683 | Fly, bold rebellion Welcome ode, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1683 | From hardy climes Song ‘to Prince George upon his marriage with the Lady Ann[e]’ | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1686 | Ye tuneful muses raise your heads Welcome ode, James II | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1687 | Sound the trumpet! beat the drum! Welcome ode, James II | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1689 | The noise of foreign wars Birth of the Duke of Gloucester (24 June 1689) | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1695 | Who can from joy refrain Birthday, Duke of Gloucester | English court | [poet unknown] | Henry Purcell |
1706 | O Harmony where’s now thy power New Year | English court | Nahum Tate | Jeremiah Clarke |
1706 | Hail happy queen! Born to heal and to unite Ode on Marlborough’s Successes | English court | [poet unknown] | Jeremiah Clarke |
1706 | Let Nature smile, let all be gay Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | [poet unknown] | Jeremiah Clarke |
1708 | From thy peaceful rest arise Birthday, Queen Anne | Dublin court | Mr. Griffith | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1713 | Happy queen, in whose calm bosum tender goodness always reigns On the Peace of Utrecht, 1713 | Dublin court | William Viner | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1709 | At length the teeming womb of time has ripened Birthday, Queen Anne | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1710 | Let’s melt the sullen world with sounds harmonious Birthday, Queen Anne | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1711 | Such harmony, as crowned the Olympic revels Birthday, Queen Anne | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1712 | Through all the race of rolling time Birthday, Queen Anne | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1714 | Glorious prince! The hope of Britain! Coronation of George I, 1714 | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1714 | Sing great Anna’s matchless name Birthday, Queen Anne | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1715 | Awake, desponding fair one! Birthday, George I | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1716 | All hail! Thou happy land Birthday, George I | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1717 | Ye hov’ring zephyrs Birthday, George I | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1718 | Britannia, hail thy hero Birthday, George I | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1719 | All hail! Thou most auspicious day Birthday, George I | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
? Post 1707 | No! He’s not dead! In memory of William III | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Johann Sigismund Cousser |
1694 | Forgive, great Sir! If less we pay Birthday, James II | for the Dublin court? | D. Carney | John Abell |
1700 | Appear in all thy pomp, great Janus appear New Year | English court | ? Nahum Tate? | John Blow |
1682 | Arise, great monarch New Year’s Day | English court | Jacob Allestry | John Blow |
1693 | The happy year is born that wonders shall disclose New Year | English court | Nahum Tate | John Blow |
1698 | Musick now thy charms display New Year | English court | Nahum Tate | John Blow |
1694 | Sound the trumpet, choicest gifts prepare New Year | English court | Peter Anthony Motteux | John Blow |
1692 | Behold, how all the stars give way New Year | English court | Thomas D’Urfey | John Blow |
1684 | My trembling song, awake, arise New Year’s Day | English court | Thomas Flatman | John Blow |
1690 | With cheerful hearts let all appear New Year | English court | Thomas Shadwell | John Blow |
1675 or 1676 | Dread Sir, the prince of light New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1678 | The birth of Jove Birthday, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1679 | Great Janus, tho the festival be thine New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1680 | The new year is begun New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1681 | Great sir, the joy of all our hearts New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1681 | Up, shepherds, up Birthday, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1681 - 82 | Illustrious day, what glory canst ye boast Birthday, Queen Catherine of Braganza | London court? | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1683 | Dread Sir, father Janus New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1685 | How does the new-born infant year rejoice? New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1686 | Hail monarch sprung of race divine New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1687 | Is it a dream that thus deserves our sight New Year’s Day | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1696 | Hail thou infant year with ye may bliss renew New Year | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1700 | Come bring ye song ye muse’s silence has been strangely long Birthday, Princess Anne | English court | [poet unknown] | John Blow |
1704 | Awake harmonious powers Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | ? Nahum Tate? | John Eccles |
1719 | King of the floods, whom friendly stars ordain New Year | English court | George Jeffreys | John Eccles |
1720 | A hero scarce could rise of old Birthday, George I | English court | Laurence Eusden | John Eccles |
1720 | Lift up thy hoary head, and rise New Year | English court | Laurence Eusden | John Eccles |
1702 | Wake Britain, ’tis high time to wake New Year | English court | Nahum Tate | John Eccles |
1703 | Hark, how the muses call aloud New Year | English court | Nahum Tate | John Eccles |
1707 | Time dispense thy brightest hours Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | Nahum Tate | John Eccles |
1708 | See how the new-born season springs! New Year | English court | Nahum Tate | John Eccles |
1711 | Fair as the morning, as the morning early Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | Nahum Tate | John Eccles |
1715 | Arise, harmonious powers Birthday, George I | English court | Nahum Tate | John Eccles |
1716 | Hail to thee, glorious rising year New Year | English court | Nicholas Rowe | John Eccles |
1716 | Lay thy flowery garlands by Birthday, George I | English court | Nicholas Rowe | John Eccles |
1718 | Oh touch the string, celestial muse Birthday, George I | English court | Nicholas Rowe | John Eccles |
1718 | Thou fairest, sweetest daughter of the skies New Year | English court | Nicholas Rowe | John Eccles |
1717 | Winter! Thou hoary venerable sire New Year | English court | Nicholas Rowe (or John Hughes) | John Eccles |
1703 | Inspire us, genious of the day Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | Peter Anthony Motteux | John Eccles |
1704 | While Anna with victorious arms New Year | English court | [poet unknown] | John Eccles |
1706 | From glorious toils of war Ode on Marlborough’s Successes | English court | Thomas D’Urfey | John Weldon |
1732/33 | Thou virgin, heav’nly train Birthday, Queen Caroline | Dublin court | ? | Matthew Dubourg |
1739 | Crown’d with a more illustrious light Birthday, George II | Dublin court | ? | Matthew Dubourg |
1740 | Aurora quits her ouzy bed Birthday, George II | Dublin court | ? | Matthew Dubourg |
1742 | With faithful heart and voice Birthday, George II | Dublin court | ? | Matthew Dubourg |
1744 | Ye pow’rs that on the virtuous wait Birthday, George II | Dublin court | ? Benjamin Victor | Matthew Dubourg |
1735 | Bright sol, thy purest beams display Birthday, George II | Dublin court | Benjamin Victor | Matthew Dubourg |
1743 | Be present, ev’ry guardian pow’r Birthday, George II | Dublin court | Rev. Lewis Burroughs | Matthew Dubourg |
1728 | Great, inexhausted source of day Birthday, George II | Dublin court | Rev. Matthew Pilkington | Matthew Dubourg |
1730 | Great, inexhausted source of day Birthday, George II | Dublin court | Rev. Matthew Pilkington | Matthew Dubourg |
1734 | Great, inexhausted source of day Birthday, George II | Dublin court | Rev. Matthew Pilkington | Matthew Dubourg |
1735 | Ye silver-tongue’d Pierian quire Birthday, Queen Caroline | Dublin court | Rev. Matthew Pilkington | Matthew Dubourg |
1727/28 | Guardian of our happy isle Birthday, Queen Caroline | Dublin court | S. Shepherd | Matthew Dubourg |
1736 | Where-e’er Hibernia’s tuneful lyre is strung Birthday, Queen Caroline | Dublin court | S. Shepherd | Matthew Dubourg |
1728/29 | Early queen of light arise Birthday, Queen Caroline | Dublin court | Thomas Sheridan | Matthew Dubourg |
1731 | ’Till on this day that heavens almighty will Birthday, George II | Dublin court | William Chaigneau | Matthew Dubourg |
1733/34 | If conscious of thy ancient fire Birthday, Queen Caroline | Dublin court | William Dunkin | Matthew Dubourg |
1729/30 | Early queen of light arise Birthday, Queen Caroline | Dublin court | [uncertain, see notes)] | Matthew Dubourg |
1666 | All things their certain periods have New Year’s Day | English court | ? Nicholas Lanier | Matthew Locke |
1665 | Come loyal hearts, make no delay New Year’s Day | English court | Nicholas Lanier | Matthew Locke |
1735 | Monarch of music, verse, and day Birthday, George II | English court | Colley Cibber | Maurice Greene |
1739 | Refulgent god with radiant smiles New Year’s Day | English court | Colley Cibber | Maurice Greene |
1743 | Of fields! of forts! and floods! unknown to fame Birthday, George II | English court | Colley Cibber | Maurice Greene |
1754 | When Glory with refulgent wings Birthday, George II | English court | Colley Cibber | Maurice Greene |
1663 | Looke, shepheards, looke New Year’s Day | English court | Nicholas Lanier | Nicholas Lanier |
1693 | Sound a call, the tritons sing Birthday, William III | English court | Nahum Tate | Nicholas Staggins |
1694 | Spring, where are thy flowery treasures? Birthday, William III | English court | Nahum Tate | Nicholas Staggins |
1697 | Summon to the cheerful plain Birthday, William III | English court | Nahum Tate | Nicholas Staggins |
1692 | Hail! Hail, thou Blest, thou most Auspicious Day (Printed text) Birthday, William III | English court | Thomas Shadwell | Nicholas Staggins |
1691 | To England’s monarch, Holland’s chief Birthday, William III | English court | [poet unknown] | Nicholas Staggins |
1696 | So all was cleared when your triumphant beams appeared Birthday, William III | English court | [poet unknown] | Nicholas Staggins |
1672 | See mighty sir the day appears New Year’s Day | English court | Robert Veel | Pelham Humfrey |
1672 | When from his throne the Persian god displays Birthday, Charles II | English court | Robert Veel | Pelham Humfrey |
1673 or 1674 | Smile again twice happy morn Birthday, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | Pelham Humfrey |
1699 | Welcome happy day in times record forever live Birthday, William III | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Richard Leveridge |
1701 | Welcome genial day! Birthday, William III | Dublin court | [poet unknown] | Richard Leveridge |
1702 | Mars now is arming A ‘royal ode’ congratulating the accession and coronation of Queen Anne | London, public | Thomas D’Urfey | Thomas D’Urfey (arr.) |
1706 | Hail happy day, hail auspicious light Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | [poet unknown] | Thomas Tudway |
1751 | Glory! Where art thou, goddess, where? New Year’s Day | English court | Colley Cibber | William Boyce |
1761 | Still must the Muse, indignant, hear New Year | English court | William Whitehead | William Boyce |
1762 | Go, Flora (said th’ impatient Queen) Birthday, George III | English court | William Whitehead | William Boyce |
1762 | God of slaughter, quit the scene New Year | English court | William Whitehead | William Boyce |
1763 | At length th’ imperious lord of war New Year | English court | William Whitehead | William Boyce |
1775 | Ye powers, who rule o’er states and kings Birthday, George III | English court | William Whitehead | William Boyce |
1714 | Prepare, ye sons of art, your songs of joy Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | [poet unknown] | William Croft |
1670 - 1677? | Tis not to add new glories to the day Birthday, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | William Turner |
1679 | Oh mighty prince, whose loud or dreaded name Birthday, Charles II | English court | [poet unknown] | William Turner |
1699 | While Venus in her snowy arms Birthday, Duke of Gloucester | English court | John Hughes | [composer unknown] |
1690 | As through Britannia’s raging sea Birthday, William III | English court | Matthew Prior | [composer unknown] |
1705 | From fate’s dark cell to empire called New Year | English court | Nahum Tate | [composer unknown] |
1689 | Clowdy Siturnia drives her steeds apace Birthday, William III | English court | Thomas D’Urfey | [composer unknown] |
1690 | Welcome, thrice welcome, this auspicious morn Birthday, William III | English court | Thomas Shadwell | [composer unknown] |
1712 | Hail happy day! that blessed the earth Birthday, Queen Anne | English court | [poet unknown] | [composer unknown] |