Court Odes: browse the collection

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 years  first line(s) | type of ode | place or institution  poet  composer 
 1716  Hail to thee, glorious rising year
 New Year | English court 
 Nicholas Rowe  John Eccles 
 1716  Lay thy flowery garlands by
 Birthday, George I | English court 
 Nicholas Rowe  John Eccles 
 1717  Winter! Thou hoary venerable sire
 New Year | English court 
 Nicholas Rowe (or John Hughes)  John Eccles 
 1718  Oh touch the string, celestial muse
 Birthday, George I | English court 
 Nicholas Rowe  John Eccles 
 1718  Thou fairest, sweetest daughter of the skies
 New Year | English court 
 Nicholas Rowe  John Eccles 

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