With Chearfull Hearts let all appear
to welcome ye beginning Year
With chearfull Hearts let all appear
with Chearful voice let all appear
to welcome ye beginning Year.
And offer up our Vows & prayer
For ye Illustrious happy paire
The Brave the wise the good the fair
Be now more Joyes of each of ym possest
then e’re found roome in any Royall Breast
The joy wch the all quickening Spring
imparts to every liveing thing
wch does ye Chirping feather’d Quire
wth Musick and with Love inspire
Repairing all ye Vigour Lost
by Churlish Winters Killing frost
vers 3 voc:
This joy posses their Minds
This warmth posses their Vaines
Cho: Over quick
With long life This joy possess their Minds
This warmth possess their veines
With long life free from disease or paines
In every Joy may they have part
produc’d by Nature or supply’d by Art
what joyes a plenteous harvest yields
From Laden Meads and Burthen fields
with store of Lambs and ye Large fleece
and loving heards wth vast increase
and these wch the plump vintage brings
all the delights and Ornaments of peace be wth this pare
tho seldom known to Kings.
What unambitious Amrous youth
e’re felt in Beauty Love and truth
Or those ye fierce young Heroes find
when Laurell wreaths their Temples bind
with Sprightly Poets warm’d wth wine can feign
In the most Exalted vein
Be nere this pare
and yet more solid joy
wch nought wth:out ym can destroy
The joy of well gotten Large renown
the Conscience of a mighty Deed well done
wch this Great pare may call their own
For sure it was a mighty deed
wch none in fame can e’re exceed
to raise us when oppres’d at our Extreamest need
The joy for us their Royall Vertues make
the joy wch they in one another take
The joy wch they in one another take
be ever with them
and what more their eager wishes can explore
till time shall be no more.