Court Odes: Hail happy day, hail auspicious light

 Selected item (#2042) = Hail happy day, hail auspicious light
 Attributes of this item 
incipit (first line(s), normalized): Hail happy day, hail auspicious light
version (if more than one exists):
the item's genre (general): ode
the item's genre (specific): Birthday, Queen Anne
the institution/place or purpose 
for which the work was first destined:
English court
the work's year (or focal date, if known): 1706
author of the text: [poet unknown]
composer of the music: Thomas Tudway
Number of texts stored: 1  
  • Selected text (below): #139 / Source: GB-Lbl, Add. 17835, ff. 134–141v
 Selected text (#139) / Source: GB-Lbl, Add. 17835, ff. 134–141v  
 Attributes of the selected text 
source for this text
(short title, or library & shelfmark):
GB-Lbl, Add. 17835
location in the source?
(i.e. which vol., pp. or fols):
ff. 134–141v
type of source:
the source online (if available):
modern edition of this text:
special title (if any):
version (if more than one exists):
about this transcription:
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An Ode Compos’d for ye Queens Birth Day by Mr Tudway

Hail happy day, hail auspicioius light
To thee let sacred annals raise
thy Glorious merits to requite
immortall monuments of praise

Thy rising morn first saw great Anna smile
upon our happy Isle
from thee we count the Glorious years
ye Glorious course she has already run
Possessing her we triumph ore our feare
& offer up to Heav’n our loyall pray’rs

Long may she live
Oh far be our seting Sun

Still may great Anna more serene
still greater happier brighter shine
By wars abroad all Europes wrongs redress
with Peace at Home her subjects bless
in Ev’ry English heart still more entirely reigne.

Hail happy Da.

Hail happy day auspicious Light
To thee let sacred annals raise
thy Glorious merits to requite
Immortal monuments of Praise.

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