Ver. 2 Voc. and Cho.
Welcome Genial Day!
Blest with so Great, and Bright a Ray,
As never Year, till now, cou’d Boast,
In all the Countless Hours of Ages past.
Verse—Then Kindly Glad this Sacred Birth!
Bring all your Grateful’st Homages of Joy;
Play on, and ev’ry Skilful Hand Employ;
’Till Charming Sounds Compleat your Mirth.
Verse—Sound Aloud, the Brazen Voice of War!
And to the World Declare.
This Day, a Hero came
Of mighty Fame,
Born to Give our Arms Success;
Peace to Restore, and Rage to Supress:
Ver. 2 Voc.
Chorus— His Courage does our Foes Dismay;
Wee in his Valour Pride, in Numbers They.
Verse—Happy Albion! Happier far!
Than all other Nations are!
Verse—City’s now with Treasures Flow;
Plenty Rowls in Floods below.
Ships in Triumph Plough the Main,
And Import an Annual Gain,
Free from Plunder, Want or Spoil;
Free from Rapine is our Isle.
We no Foreign Dangers fear;
Jove and Caesar Guard us here.
Verse—Secur’d by Hide’s Advice, and Nassaw’s Arm;
Our Isle no Threatning Pow’r can harm:
Britain shall all attempts withstand,
Whilst these two Live to shield the Land.