A / SERENATA / To be Represented on the / Birth-Day / Of the Most Serene / ANNE / By the Grace of God, Queen of / GREAT-BRITAIN, &c. / AT THE / Theatre-Royal, / The Sixth Day of February, 1709 / By Their Excellencies the Lords Justices Commend. / Set by Mr. John Sigismond Cousser / DUBLIN: / Printed by Edwin Sandys, at the Custom-House / Printing-House in Essex-Street. 1709
Fame. Neptunus.
Britannia. Gloria.
Pallas. Peace.
Fate. AT length the teeming Womb of Time has ripen’d,
What I ordain’d for Britain,
And deep in Leaves of Adamant engraves.
My high Resolves are Fixed
As Heav’n, nor shall be shaken
By any Pow’r whatever.
Behold the Orient Rays with Lustre blazing
At Anna’s Birth, to all the World amazing.
Hail, British Clime,
This Birth Sublime
Prognosticates thy Glory;
Decrees Divine
For thee Combine,
To make thee Great and most Renown’d in Story.
With Joy expelt her Glorious Noon.
Whole Radiant Beams appear so soon.
Hail, &c.
Fame. Give ear thou Spatious World and be amazed
At these strange Events of our latter Ages:
How Royal Anna’s born, and destin’d
T’Ascend the British Throne, and Reign auspicious.
Hear what victorrious Armies
Sh’ has raised, and strow’d the Seas with mighty Navys;
Took Towns, and Fleets with Indian Treasures loaded,
Great Armies bravely Vanquish’d,
Rome’s mighty Empires saved,
And ravish’d Realm’s unto their Lords restored,
Fear’d by her Foes, by all her Friends implored.
Her Immortal Glory Blazing
Thro’ the World her Fame displayeth:
Europe her great Conduct praising
Stands amazed, and Homage payeth.
Her Immortal, &c.
Chorus. The Fate’s Conspiring
Britannia’s Joy,
Her Fame Desiring
Their Pow’rs employ.
This British propitious
Does Bliss presage;
The Stars Auspicious
In it engage. The &c.
Brit. I once so Great, and Famous,
The Nursery of Hero’s,
That thro’ the World attain’d the greatest Glory,
Obscurely long have Languish’d,
Till Mighty William rising,
Awak’d my drowse Son’s to seek for Honour:
He left for me New-planted Laurels Thriving,
Which by Victorious Anna
Are to their Height, and Beauty now Arriving.
Warlike Britton’s bravely Daring,
For Illustrious Deeds preparing,
Now in Field your selves Display:
Crowns shall be at your Disposing,
Laws on Conquer’d Realms Imposing,
Since a Pallas leads the Way.
Warlike &c.
Pal. In vain the Gallick Monarch Armies faith
At Universal Empire aiming;
My more deserving Anna
With Wisdom shall be furnish’d;
In all Attempts from subtile Foes Defended,
Her Arms with Conquest every where attended.
Her Vertues Refulgent,
And Goodness Indulgent
Shall Blazon Her Reign;
My Anna Victorious,
Illustrious, and Glorious
Shall ever Remain,
Her, &c.
Nep. O’re all my Watry Empire,
The Spacious Globe Encircling
Great Anna’s Fleet it’s Canvas-Wings Displaying,
And Gloriously Triumphing,
To all the Wealthy Shores of Earth restoreth,
And thence their choicest Riches Home Transporteth.
No Power restraineth
The Briton’s at Sea,
Their Navy obtaineth
Unlimited Sway:
They Govern the Ocean,
When they are in Motion,
Their Foes scull away.
No Power, &c.
Glo. Trancendently Illustrious
Shall be Great Anna’s Empire;
Immortal Fame Her Glorious Deeds declaring,
Shall fill with Wonder future Ages,
Th’ obscurest Clime shall Dazle with Her Glory,
And Eternize Her Unexampled Story.
Her early Dawn of Glory
Does happy Days Presage,
Scarce on the Throne She’s Seated,
But Victori’s Repeated,
Where e’re Her Chiefs engage.
Peace. With what Desire my happy Calms She seeketh?
How joyfull She’d with Open Arms embrace Me?
But Tyrants cross Her Wishes;
Yet when She has those Foes of Peace Defeated,
In Her Serene Dominions i’ll be Seated.
How this pleasant Isle delights Me?
And it’s Peacefull Queen invites Me?
To Repose,
Where She Reigneth,
And Immortal Glory gaineth,
And Triumpheth o’re her Foes.
How &c.
Chor. Glory attends Her,
Fortune be-frineds Her Wisdom Defends Her
From all sorts of Harms.
Triumph Succeedeth,
What She designeth,
There’s none that Bleedeth
For Her, Repineth
Glory, &c.
As it Behoveth,
War She improveth;
Yet Peace She Loveth
More, than Wars Alarms,
Glory, &c.
Fate. Fair and Serene like Heav’n, when Clouds are vanish’d,
And ruffling Blasts are ceased,
The New-Born Queen with Smiles the World saluted;
With early Majesty [unreadable]
As fairest Plants in Fertile Soil She’s thriving,
And Her own Laurals with Her Growth are vying.
Ye Briton’s, be jyful, and Sing forth Her Praises,
All Discontentments Sh’ has caused to cease;
The Union removes your Internal Diseases,
And makes ye Blest with Lovely Peace.
With Pleasure obey Her,
Since Virtues Sway Her,
At nothing Designing,
But to Oppose
With Subjects Combining
Her haughty Warlike Foes.
Fame. Each spedy Post from Belgick Shores arriving,
From Gades, and the Land where Tiber Floweth,
Reports how Anna’s Chieftans,
By Her Auspicious Fortune,
Where e’re they Fight, with Vict’ry are attended,
Take strongest Towns, tho’ ne’er so well Defended.
Glory Surrounding,
Victory Crowning,
Embellish Anna’s lofty Throne:
Fame by resounding,
Still will be Praising
The Deeds amazing,
By Briton’s done.
Brit. How strangly I’m restored,
New Joy and Vigour thro’ my Limbs disused
With Thirst of Glory fire Me,
And with new Strength for Action reinspire Me,
How with Pleasure I’m greatly Transported,
When my Anna with Laurals is Crown’d;
When her Hero’s Assailing,
O’re her Foes are prevailing,
And Banners by Conquest extorted,
In Britain abound.
How, &c.
May our Anna Reign in Honour,
While She fills the British Throne,
Fortune ever waiting on Her,
May Her Conduct ne’er disown:
May Her happy Years remain,
Whilst the Thames and Tweed are Flowing,
And thro’ut Her Glorious Reign
No Disaster ever knowing.
Pal. No Pride excites just Anna,
Nor Sinistrous advantage,
To take up Arms Her Neighbours Peace molesting;
But Her oppressed Allies,
And Faithful Subjects safety,
Excite Her Prudent Councils,
To’anticipate Her subtile Foes Designing,
Against Her Crown and Royal self Combining.
Barely proud her Foes Reproaching,
Tempt the Glory of her Arms;
Baffled when her Chiefs approaching
To repell their swift Encroaching
Meet most bravely in Field their Arms.
Nep. Like Amphitrite Her fair Bosom raising
Above my Christal Surges,
Fair Albion confin’d in my Embraces
Her Clifts t’wards Heaven rearing,
Like Snowy Alps appearing,
Displays her Shining Beauty.
To be my Bride, Venice in vain aspireth;
Fair Briatin’s She, the God of Seas admireth.
Hail! Queen of Isles in my Embrace secured,
With all that’s Good and Great abounding,
I thee, and thou the World Surrounding,
Both Wealth and safety have for thee procured,
Influenc’d by a Good, and Glorious Queen.
Glo. The great Semirarmies Fame and Vict’ries
So bright in Annals Shineing,
And Boadicea’s Story,
By the Admiring World so much Renowned,
Can’t parallel out Anna’s Glory,
With ev’ry Virtue and daily Conquest Crowned.
Count her Virtues, and her Conquests,
And their numbers then compare:
Each of them are so Extensive,
Volumes scarce are Comprehensive,
Her high Merits to declare.
Count &c.
Peace. Near Anna’s Throne residing,
In Britains Flow’ry Vallies
I’ll take up my Abiding:
A Golden Age to Her again restoring
When Storms of War are over;
There Virtue, Antient Faith, Love and Devotion
Shall brood, like Halcyons on the calmed Ocen.
Soft Repose shall be prepared
For Her Heroes, that have dared
To oppose in War’s Allarms.
She alone by Heav’n inspired
Cou’d the Knot of Union tye,
Which so many Kings desired;
Yet in Vain did always try.
Grand Chor. For all Princes a Patern of Virtue She stands,
And her Greatness, and Goodness obedience commands.
O be joyful, Great Britain, that gave her Birth,
She’s the Glory of Europe, chief Queen on the Earth;
Her true Subjects Compliance base Fear does not move,
But they push on her Conquests excited by Love.
Raise her Statues, surrounding her Temples with Bays,
Her Encomiums perpetuate with numerous Lays.
For all Princes a Patern of Virtue she stands,
And her Greatness, and Goodness Obedience commands.
O be joyful, Great Britain, that gave her Birth;
She’s the Glory of Europe, chief Queen on the Earth.
O Great Britain, henceforward thy Fame shall Encrease,
Since thy Queen is Auspicious in War, and in Peace.
O Great Britain, henceforward thy Fame shall Encrease,
Since thy Queen is Auspicious in War, and in Peace.
Behold her Glorious Banners Spread!
Hear how her Rampant Lyons roar!
The drooping Lillies hang their Heads
So Fai and Verdant heretofore.
Great Westminster can scarce contain
Her num’rous Trophies took in Field:
The British Towns can scarce maintain
The Crowds of Captices forc’d to yield,
Her true Subjects Complyance base Fear does not move;
But they push on her Conquests excited by Love.
Raise her Statues, surrounding her Temples with Bays;
Her Encomiums perpetuate with numerous Lays.
Behold, &c.
No Renowned great Hero such Actions has done;
She has Kingdoms United, and saved, and Won.
She’s most worthy of Honour, of Love, and Applause,
A maintainer of Justice, Religion, and Laws.
No Renowned great Hero such Actions has done;
She has Kingdoms United, and saved, and Won.
She’s most worthy of Honour, of Love, and Applause,
A maintainer of Justice, Religion, and Laws.