Court Odes: The birth of Jove

 Selected item (#5007) = The birth of Jove
 Attributes of this item 
incipit (first line(s), normalized): The birth of Jove
version (if more than one exists):
the item's genre (general): ode
the item's genre (specific): Birthday, Charles II
the institution/place or purpose 
for which the work was first destined:
English court
the work's year (or focal date, if known): 1678
author of the text: [poet unknown]
composer of the music: John Blow
Number of texts stored: 1  
  • Selected text (below): #284 / Source: GB-Lbl Add. 33278, ff. 58r - 62v
    special title: ‘The Birth of Jove: a Birth days Song. May:29:16 Dr. Blow’
 Selected text (#284) / Source: GB-Lbl Add. 33278, ff. 58r - 62v  
 Attributes of the selected text 
source for this text
(short title, or library & shelfmark):
GB-Lbl Add. 33278
location in the source?
(i.e. which vol., pp. or fols):
ff. 58r - 62v
type of source: MS, music and words
the source online (if available):
modern edition of this text:
special title (if any): The Birth of Jove: a Birth days Song. May:29:16 Dr. Blow
version (if more than one exists):
about this transcription: Transcribed by Estelle Murphy, May 2022. Line initial capitalisation editorial.
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The Birth of Jove from year to year
The Corybantes Loudly sang,
While with their brisk and Martiall Ayre,
The flowry topps of Ida Mountaine rang.

Two voices
Yet all ye Joyfull sounds they made
did but only serve to prove,
That like our Jove, the Cretan God a birth Day had
The Repeat soft the last time

If so methinks our strife should greater be
To solemnize Great Prince a Day for thee
Far a greater Jove then he

What Antiquity feign’d of him did all but fable seem,
While their King they exil’d in his Youth
& Gyants they arm’d Bold sons of Earth
The Vulgar Croud of mean Degree & Lower Birth
To assail ye Heaven of Majesty

Quick time
But yet wt was more than they know they prophesy’d true
For our Monarch confirm’d the truth,
And as fatall an end Did our Titans attend
While struck by his Thunder they fell
From touching the stars to the bottom of Hell
Verse 3. Voc
And as fatall an end Did our Titans attend
While struck by his Thunder they fell
From touching the stars to the bottom of Hell

But yet what was more then they know they prophesy’d true
For our Monarch confirm’d the truth,
And as fatall an end Did our Titans attend
While struck by his Thunder they fell
From touching the stars to the bottom of Hell

Two voices
But safe in the change are we
For we with our peace & sovereign blest
In Amalthea’s plenty Rest
Grown wanton with our Liberty
While wicked war such Havock makes
As only Dreading us all Europe shakes
And slaughter spreads her crimson Wings
From Tana’s Jeo(?) to ye Danubian springs
The blessings there & favors are of Sovereigne care

Ah! how ungratefull then are they
Whose Disobedience will not own this Day
That gave them first and then Restor’d
Their true Protector & a tender Lord

Th’Imperial Eagle stoops
& Kings afflicted bow to him for Ayd,
Their hopes are all in him yt still before
Upon your Neighbors Prey’d
Th’affrighted Victor Dreads ye storm to see
Ye mettl’d English arme
& Maugre all his feigned Ironies Quitts wrong’d Messina
& unites his force,
Thus tho alarm’d blood doth chang its Course
& to the heart once distemper’d flyes.
3 Voc:
And now what can we Lose portend
But that those Lawrells planted by our Monarch’s hand
In this Auspicious Month will grow to Cedar height
& bear new Trophies every Year

For his Lawrells are not common
Yet if such scorn ye heavenly Thunders touch
We Dare not then allow that they French Thunder more then Heav’ns can doe

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