A / SERENATA / To be Represented on the / Birth-Day / Of the Most Serene / ANNE, / By the Grace of God, QUEEN of / GREAT-BRITAIN, &c. / AT THE / Castle of Dublin. / The Sixth Day of February, 1710. / By their Excellencies the Lords Justices Command. / Set by Mr. John Sigismond Cousser. / DUBLIN: / printed by Edwin Sandys, at the Custom-House in Essex-Street, 1710
A / SERENATA. / PERSONS. / Apollo. / Genius. / Concordia. / Mars. / Victoria.
Chorus. LET’s melt the sullen World with sounds harmonious
And turn the very noise of War to Joy.
This Symphonie melodious
Results from Measures,
Inspiring forefelt Pleasures,
Which charm the Gods.
Lets melt, &c.
Genius. The growing Greatness of the British Empire,
To me by Fate Consigned,
Is now the object of my care. Great ANNA
For wond’rous things by Providence ordained,
Inspir’d by Heavenly Powers,
Beyond the Reach of deepest Polititians,
Deserves Immortal Honour.
This happy Day, that gave her Birth, shall ever
Be dear unto the Britons,
Whose joys invite my Sympathetic Raptures.
Hark! How th’ applauding Crowds admire her story!
See greatest Monarchs envious of her Glory!
Sing, ye Britons, sing her Praise,
All admire her glorious Reign; / Sinking France her Grandure raises,
And her Conqu’ring Arms abases
the too haughty Pride of Spain.
Concor. In vain her Conqu’ring Banners
In Gallick Fields displayed:
In vain her Martial Captains, crown’d with Laurels,
Wou’d vanquish Foreign Powers,
Should she neglect her Peoples nearer Union.
She Great and wife in Council
Her subjects hearts in strictest Bonds uniteth,
Their Unanimity her Foes affrighteth.
Behold the storms of Discord cease,
Her milder Beams have caus’d this calm;
Since she to all our sores applies such healing Balm.
Mars. All hail, the Ages of Glory,
Thou matchless queen of Unexplained Britons,
Now chiefly on thy Banners
In Triumph riding I exert my Power.
On Blenheims Bloody Plains in purple dyed
Thy conq’uring Chiefs subdued
The war-like Franks. Ramilias Plains can witness
Their Martial skill, their Manly Strength and courage.
The Wand’ring Nations thro’the world adore you,
Since greatest Conq’urors faint and fly before you.
Now great Lewis your Laurels are faded,
And your Trophies erected decline;
While fair Anna with fresh ones is shaded,
The bright Sun in your Banners can’t shine.
Now &c.,
Apollo. She Janus-like sees, what is fast and future,
Nor can her Vict’ries be to chance referred.
Her-Piety, and Virtues
Procure divine assistance,
to Guide her councils, and conduct her Armies.
Who on her happy Reign makes his Reflection,
May mark the Tracts of the Divine Protection.
No Traytor’s hatch’d design
Shall shake her fixed Throne;
Tho’ mighty Powr’s combine
In State Caballs unknown;
Whilst Laurels her Adorn,
Their baffled Plots but cause her Scorn.
Victor. How many Foes she Conquers!
Aspiring Monarchs stoop and pay her Homage
Her Arms Victorious force them to Submission;
Her Virtues Conq’uring Envy
Procure her Honour equal to her Merits.
See how the gazing World abash’d adore her
See how the helpless for Relief implore her!
Whilst Anna’s great Captains her Foes are Assailing.
At home Her bright Virtues as much are prevailing,
And give Her an Empire o’re every Heart:
Great Heroes amazed at Her wonderful story,
With Ardour inspir’d to partake of Her Glory,
Haste under her Banners from every part.
Whilst &c.
Mars. Hail, ye renowned Britons, your ANNA adore;
None but she both your Grandure, and Peace cou’d restore
Vict. Con. à 2. Let no Sorrow encroaching your Pleasures invade;
The Victorious United need never be sad.
Gen. How with Pleasure these Echoing Accents I hear?
Their sweet Harmony makes a soft Tempest ith’ Air.
Mars. While the Victims to Fortune for Vict’ries are Slain,
I the great God of Wisdom an Off’ring may claim.
Victor. While the Victims to Fortune for Vict’ries are Slain,
I the great God of Wisdom an Off’ring may claim.
Mars. When the Conquering Females their Power display,
The most stubborn Opposers are forc’d to obey.
Con. There are Conquests obtained in Peace, and in War;
But the Conquests of Peace are the greater by far.
All. ANNA Triumphs over all,
Both these Foes before her fall.
There’s no Tyrant nor Passion, but what She restrains,
Both at Home and Abroad She Victoriously Reigns.
Apolls. If wisdom fix a Monarchs Throne
It cannot shake or be o’rethrown.
All. While the Victims to Fortune for Vict’ries are Slain,
We all powerful Deities an Off’ring may claim.
Gen. While the Victims to Fortune for Vict’ries are Slain,
I her vigilant Guardian an Off’ring may claim
Apollo While the Victims to Fortune for Vict’ries are Slain,
I the great God of Wisdom an Off’ring may claim.
All. With such Glory no Conq’rour himself has behav’d;
She has Kingdoms United, and Conquer’d and Sav’d.
Such a Queen ’tis deserveth in Britain to Reign,
Who the Hearts of her People so entirely can gain.
Gen. Proceed, great Queen in they unequal Conquests,
Advancing Britain’s Glory
Till thou that Work hast finish’d,
For which thou wast finish’d,
For which thou wast designed.
So high-esteem’d a Favourite of Heaven
By Intrest can’t be Biass’d,
Or subtile Wiles, or Stratagems be baffled.
I’ll Guard thy Throne, suggest thy prudent Council.
No Publick Foes, or Secret Ones shall harm thee;
I’ll blast their Plots, of Dangers ever warn thee.
Aria. Her Transcendent growing Glory
Gathers Lustre like the Moon;
All shall dazzle at her Story,
E’re She reach her Radiant Noon.
Her transcendent &c.
Conc. Wife ANNA,by the Pow’ers above assisted
All sparks of Discord in her Realms has Quenched;
Those jarring Elements, that long contended,
In friendship She’s United.
The Brighter Orbs all moving
Each in its Sphere Harmonious:
Her lesser World with Wisdom She has model’d.
Being Good, and Great, and Wise, this Scheme She formed,
And ev’ry part with utmost Skill performed,
Aria. May they Sons, great-Britain, ever
Reap the Harvest of her Cares:
May the Seeds of Union gather
Strength in all succeding Tears:
Plotting Traytors ne’re shall sever
Or Disturb your League with Fears.
May &c.
2. Omens of a further Blessing
In her Reign themselves display;
One religion all Professing
May be hoped for one Day.
She so many Ills redressing
To this Good may ope the Way.
Omens &c.
Mars. None stops the Torrent of her widening Conquests.
Great Marlbro’ in his Grandure
Erected high on my tremendous Chariot,
In Triumph leads great Generals,
Devolved at his Feet. See how He moweth
Swarths of his Enemies! the frightened Squadrons
Forsake the Field wherever he appeareth.
Bring Anna’s Fate, and Churchill still Victorious
Return from Field with Laurels ever Glorious.
Whilst her Banners are Displaying
Thro’ the French and Spanish Fields;
Britons worthy Deeds essaying,
Glory her Expence repaying,
Everlasting Chaplets yields.
Whilst &c.
Apollo. Sure ANNA’s Life is all a wond’rous Myst’ry!
Her Birth the most Auspicious!
Her tender years Illustruous!
The secret springs of Providence all moving.
Promoted Britains Fortune
When She was near the Precipice of Rain,
By Nassau’s Death endanger’d;
The mighty weight of Empire then sustaining,
She soon the Britons fadeing palms retrieved,
And Neighb’ring States with speedy Aid relieved.
Aria. Praise her Birth and Coronation;
Praise the Series of her Reign;
Happy Britain, happy Nation!
May She long thy Queen remain.
Praise &c.
Victor. I ne’re shall cease to perch upon her Banners,
Till sh’as entirely Conquer’d
All forts of Foes, Dark Envy not excepted.
She’s too much Heavens Darling,
That such such’d stop the Current of her Vic’tries.
Go on, thou Glory of thy Sex, go on and Prosper,
By Fate the most befriended,
By very Foes Commended.
Aria. Three Happy Britannia,
In Anna repose:
No foreign Pretender
Shall ever Offend her,
Or on her impose.
Thrice &c.
Mars. His last attempts to prop his tott’ring Empire
Avail not Lewis! Life, the long supported
By Frances Royal Blood and Bravest Mar’shalls,
First shar’d that Fate that Mons and Tournay shared,
Where Britons gain’d such Glory,
Thar ne’re shall be thy Batt’ring Time Impaired.
Chorus. The Voice of Fame,
Where Phebus steeds careering
Whirl round the light endearing,
Extols Her Name.
May Britons Love
Repay he signal Merits,
And constant prove,
Till She at rest
A brighter Crown inherits
Among the Blest.
Vict. Con. à 2. She’s rais’d to the highest Story,
That can be reach’d with mortall Eye;
The next Step mounts Her up to that bright Glory,
Display’d beyond the Courtains of the Skie.