Sung to the KING on New-years-day.
SEE, Mighty Sir! the Day appears
That adds One to Your happy Years:
The Sun, the Moon, and Stars decree
This for a Year of Jubile,
And threaten to disband
That Hour that dares Your Health or Peace withstand.
The Days are all at Loyal strife,
Which shall be th’Happiest of your Life;
And each, with an impatient thirst,
Does strive to crowd it self the first:
Succeeding Months protest,
That, though they bring the Last, they’l bring the Best.
What more cou’d kind Apollo do,
Than fend you Light, and Musique too:
His kindest Nature, purest Art,
Conspire to please your Eye, and Heart:
This, this, he says, is due;
And he Lends others, what he Pays to You.
Come we his Scholars, come away,
Let’s Sing, and Solemnize this Day:
And may we never, never find
Your self less Happy, him less kind!
So will we ever Sing;
Thanks to our MASTER, Praises to our KING.