Great sir, the Joy of all our hearts and Eyes
Within whose Breast the Peace of Europe Lies.
Great sir, the Joy of all our hearts and Eyes
Within whose Breast the Peace of Europe Lies.
Old Time that flies from others here does stand
& with his servants waits for your Command
Verse solus
That pow’rfull Empire which from antient days
His Birthright was now att your feet he Layes
For the succeeding year no laws he’l make
But Leaves the world measures from you to Take [Ritor][duet]
Yee Nymphs that around the confines of the Brittish ground
Do sing till yee make the Rocks resound
Come and appear great Charles is here
Receive your orders for th’ensuing Year
Draw near & sing to Charles your Master and your King
Till with his awfull name your watry houses Ring
Verse Solus
The Brittish Legion through the World was fam’d
The Brittish valour ne’re by Romans tam’d
For Brittish Shells Caesar A Triumph had
How great A Triumph would a Conquest made
Verse 3:voc:
Our Caesar’s more then Conqueror more then King
His subjects their owne hearts a Tribute bring.
O’re the whole Isle their Eagle never flew
Never was England conquer’d but by you
Ritor again as before
Then long may he Live and Long may he Reign.
By whom we are blest with so happy a Chaine.
By whose prudent Conduct and peaceable Care
Our fortunate Isle thus flourishes while
Our neighbours are Left to the fortune of War.
[solo alto]
Of you Great Sir our Druids Spake
When Round the sacred Brittish Oake
They sung and told what should befall
The Romans and the Conquer’d Gaul
Fill’d our Antient Brittish Story
Then your mighty Reigne and Glory
Now through the world your dreadfull name
Rides on ye wings of Time and Fame
Your Friends unite your Foes asunder Break
For now commences under Charles the Great ye Year of Wonder.
Of this lucky omen we,
Receiv’d from that most happy Tree
From whose kind bowels it was shown (when men had none)
That you should Flourish be as strong
As heart of Oake and Live as Long.