To be sung on Wednesday Feb. 6. 1711/12 / before Her Majesty, being the Birth Day
HAIL Happy Day! that bless’d the Earth
With ANNA?s Birth!
The Sun with ANNA doth begin
To reassume his wonted Reign,
His Beams display
And chase away
Night’s Shades encroaching on the Day.
And ANNA like the Sun
A glorious toilsome Course doth run,
Her own soft Ease and Peace resign’d
To the general Interest of Mankind;
She quells Her own and Heavn’s Foes
Of Mad Ambitious Minds
The Rage confines,
Labouring Herself to give the World Repose.
This Day, more Glorious than the last,
Shall by the following be surpass’d
This Day, more Glorious than the last,
Shall by the following be surpass’d ;
Each rolling Year shall ANNA Crown
With fresh Renown,
Thus on Pactolus Shore
Each flowing Tide
That beats its Side
Augments the Golden Store.