Fortune not Blind: / To be REPRESENTED on the BIRTH-DAY / Of his most Serene Majesty / GEORGE, / By the GRACE of GOD, / KING of Great Britain, &c. / AT THE / CASTLE of DUBLIN, / The 28th of MAY 1715. / By their Excellencies the Lords Justices Special Command. / Set by Mr. John Sigismond Cousser, Chappel-Maaster of Trinity-College / DUBLIN: Printed by Daniel Tompson in Cole’s-Alley, Castle
PERSONS. Britannia. Fortune. Fame.
Britannia Sleeping.
Awake, desponding Fair One!
those Fears are fled, which have of late oppress’d you:
A kind indulgent Power
Is come, to fix thy Glory,
And swell thy most delightful Theme Story.
Thou doubtful Goddess, I obey thy Summons;
But wonder much to View thee so discerning:
How comes it, Mortals have been thus mistaken
To place Thee on a Globe, wav’ring and sightless:
Dispending Thrones with undistinguished Favour?
But now, thy Reason, and thy Sight appearing,
All find th’ Effects of thy perspicuous Judgement,
And praise Thee for a Choice so meritiorious.
Still around my Monarch Hover,
Still new Joys to Him discover,
In a Series of Success:
[Page cropped. Line unreadable]
Lengthen all His Days in Pleasure;
Give Him Honours beyond Measure;
And with Wealth his Subjects bless.
Still, &c.
[T’}was I, that from the Cradle, still have nurs’d Him;
[T’]was I, that safely into Britain steer’d Him;
[De]clar’d His Birth propitious,
[An]d pitch’d upon His Merit,
[And] add perpetual Grandeur to your Kingdoms.
Date from Him your high Renown,
Future Fame and rising State:
Fortune will His Valour Crown
With such Deeds as ne’re was shorn,
In the Records of the Great.
Date, &c.
[??] charming Nymph, this Blessing I acknowledge:
Thee, I owe a Race of Godlike Monarchs,
[??] whose Arrival homebred Jarrs are vanish’d;
[Di] vided Parties now shall joyn their Powers,
[??]d self Defence cement the firm Alliance,
[??] guard my life, and shield its Constitution.
Go on, Great Prince, set Europe free,
As you have done the Nation;
Let all partake of Liberty,
And bless the glad Occasion:
By Thee let Discord down, be hurl’d,
And Envy be defeated;
Long Live and Reign, and Sway the World,
Till Britain’s Hope’s completed.
Go on, &c.
Secur’d by Art and Nature:
Be far from Thee all Thoughts of future Danger.
This happy Birth shall Trade and Science nourish,
And blest with their Desires, thy Natives flourish.
Fear not, Britain, none can hurt Thee,
’Tis great George, that does support Thee;
Haughty France thy Prowess dreading,
Will no more attempt Invading;
While his conqu’ring fleets surround Thee,
No European Arms can wound Thee.
Fear not, &c.
Such Joys I feel at His belov’d Accession,
As when old wither’d Age receives fresh Vigour,
And Sapless Truncks put forth their verdant Liv’rys:
A wond’rous Pleasure o’er my Isle presiding,
Glows in each Heart, and glares in ev’ry Visage.
In the Midst of Despair,
Sorrow, Anguish and Care,
Kind Fortune, I own, has releas’d me;
When my Rest was Annoy’d,
And my Wealth near destroy’d,
Fear forc’d ’em to fly, who didistress’d me.
In the, &c.
[?]o Charm and and Blazon this Auspicious Moment,
The Loud-Tongu’d Deity, with Sounds amazing
Shall pierce the feeling Air, and breath forth Triumph.
Honour’d Fantom!
Flying Wanton!
On thy swift –wing’d Pinions,
Spread through all Dominions,
George’s most exalted Worth:
Make him Glorious
And Victorious,
Far as Winds are blowing,
Or the Seas are flowing,
Sound his Fame, and glad the Earth.
Devoted Regent of Terrestrial Wishes!
All Mortals know I follow as a Rival,
And am subservient only to the Daring.
[??]no’ willingly I now obey Thy Orders,
And grace this festival with Sounds uncommon.
Great George’s mighty Name.
Shall fill the Mouth of Fame,
And make the World adore Him:
His Deeds my lofty Clangors raise
With everlasting Blasts of Praise;
Excelling all before Him.
Great, &c.
[??]age, now blended with Conduct and valour,
[??] from the Ocker, the Liena, and allar;
Joyning their Currents with Severn and Thames,
Challenge Oceanus to rival their Streams.
Britannia thou can’st ne’re repay His Goodness;
His Vigilance is still at Work to save Thee:
And all his wakeful Hours are spent in Thinking
To give your fertile Isles Repose and Safety.
Be gay, lovely Goddess, for what is preparing,
A New Scene of Pleasure will quickly appear;
Already Contentment, each Subject is sharing,
And Trade in abundance will flourish each Year.
Be gay, &c.
Ye Nymphs and Shepherds. that my Plain inhabit,
Now grace this Birth, with most delightful pastimes.
For awful Thrones, that slighted Female Prowess,
Shall tremble at your Monarch’s happy Councils.
Thrift of Glory still shall fire him,
But no Acts of Goodness tire him,
Who for Empire was design’d
Pity, Love, and Peace inspire him:
No Oppression need require him;
He was Born to Free Mankind.
Foreign States Abroad caress him,
Loyal Subjects here Address him,
While insulting Tyrants bow,
shouting Crowds with Honours press him,
Rescu’d Slaves applaud and bless him,
And united praise bestow.
GRAND CHORUS of Fame, Fortune and Britain.
Let Renown in Echoes thund’ring
Rend the joyful Globe in twain;
Till His Glory
Sets the Universe a wondring,
And great George’s matchless Story
Grows as Famousas his Reign.
Let, &c.