Court Odes: Ye hov’ring zephyrs

 Selected item (#2076) = Ye hov’ring zephyrs
 Attributes of this item 
incipit (first line(s), normalized): Ye hov’ring zephyrs
version (if more than one exists):
the item's genre (general): ode
the item's genre (specific): Birthday, George I
the institution/place or purpose 
for which the work was first destined:
Dublin court
the work's year (or focal date, if known): 1717
author of the text: [poet unknown]
composer of the music: Johann Sigismund Cousser
Number of texts stored: 1  
  • Selected text (below): #173 / Source: IRL-Dtc,
 Selected text (#173) / Source: IRL-Dtc,  
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A / Serenata da Camera, / To be Represented on the / BIRTHDAY / Of His Most Serene Majesty / GEORGE, / By the Grace of GOD / King of Great Britain &c. / AT THE / Castle of Dublin the 28th of May, 1717.


Honour / Valour / Fate / Fame / Glory / Victory / Delight.


Ye hov’ring Zephirs,
To Climes Etheral
These Sounds convey ;
Let Spheres Harmonious
Joyn with our
To Sing this Day.

HOW justly does a Monarch,
Resemble the bright SUN? The bravest Subjecs
Shine Faint, like Stars, unable
To make a Day with their united Brightness.
All borrow Light from Him ; his Influence reaches,
To ev’ry Individual of his Empire,
And sheds on them his Blessings , and his Glories.
But chiefly if he deriveth
His Birth from Ancient and Illustrious Worthies :
If joyn’d with innate and acquired Merit
H’is Heir to all their Great and Shining Actions.

Virtues truly Glorious,
Baffle the Censorious,
As Divine,
Ever Shine
In their Native Beauty :
Slander can’t deface them,
Envy cannot Blast them,
All the just
Yield them must
Praises, as their Duty.

That Prince is only the accomplish’d HERO,
Whose even soul’s the fame, by advers Fortune,
When rudely buffitted, and made her Pastime,
Or loaded with her most Distinguish’d Favours.
The Armed Foe and Syren
Require an equal Firmness,
To ward against their Dangers :
By open Force the former wou’d Destroy us,
The latter by sweet Poyson wou’d Annoy us .

Prudence Discov’ring
Tempests, that Threat us,
Pleasures, that Cheat us,
Timely Advises;
The Soul alarmed,
With Virtue armed,
Both Foes Despises.

Fate. Charm’d and inuited by these just Applauses,
From the high Orbs, where my abode is fixed,
I’m come this Day, to do Great BRUNSWICK Honour.
I’m Britain’s Fate, in whom is lodg’d her Safety ;
And all th’Assurance of Her future Glory.
That CHIEF for her I destin’d,
Whose Stock of Wisdom and Superior Virtues.
Extend her Conquests farther,
Than mighty Churchill led her Conqu’ring Squadroms.

His Generous Greatness,
And Wonderous Sweetness
The Monarch do Blazon ;

His Conduct unblamed,
His Ends all obtained
With wonder we Gaze on.

Fame. To blaze Heroick Deeds ; to cherish Virtue
The Father o the GODS at first Ordain’d me
A Great and Worthy Task ; thro’ ev’ry Region.
From the Rich Indian Shore to happier Britain,
And Mild Jerne fan’d by Western Breezes ;
From Affrick’s Scorched Climates
To those Cold Regions, where the Volga floweth,
On my unweried Pinions
To gain Intelligence I’m always hov’ring,
Nor can I find so great so noble a Subect,
For all my Tongues and Trumpet,
In this vast Journey as the British MONARCH.

Echo GEORGE’s Praise, ye Mountains,
Flowry Vales, and Crystal Fountains,
All ye Nymphs in Waters Gliding,
Or in Woods or Hills Residing ;
All ye Feather’d Quires, attend him,
Lift your Voices and Commend him.

With most decorous Laurels,
His Youth was Crown’d ; in Paynim Blood, not Christian,
His Thirst of Fame in that hot Age was quenched,
His Courage, Conduct, and Auspicious Fortune,
To the admitting Nations having proved,
His Gen’rous Soul he forms to Peaceful Empire ;
To perfect his own Virtues ;
To make his Subjects happy,
His Time and Cares and Treasure now emploeth.

A Ray of Bright Glory
Shal l Dart on his Story,
While Words shall endure ;
A Crown here Imperial,
Here after Etherial
His Virtues Unrival’d
To him shall secure.

Hon. Hail! BRITAIN, Queen of Islands!
Bless’d by thy MONARCH and thy CONSTITUTION;
They both Conspire to make Thee
Potent and Fear’d and Glorious :
His Virtues and Capacities for Empire
Have wond’rous Influence on th’EUROPEAN Councils.
Thy Wealth, thy Fleets, thy Armies
Inspir’d with Native Brav’ry,
Awe Tyrants, and Display the Worth of Freedom.

Circling Glories hover round Him,
Grace and Lustre on Him Sheding,
Growing Honours wait to Crown him,
More and more his Influence Spreading.

Greatness, Goodness and Fortune Combining,
BRUNSWICK’S Hero Compleat ;
Envy, Malice and Calumny joining,
Heaven’s Fav’rites cannot Defeat ; Greatness, & c.

Glo. BRITANNIA, fee with Wonder,
How Neighb’ring Kings revere him,
Or rather Love him, and admire his Virtues!
What Anna’s Conqu’ring Hero,
And matchless Troops United
With other Armed Powers,
Cou’d not obtain by Conquests,
Thy Monarch’s Fame and Hopes to gain his Friendship,
Without Expence or Blood has now Secur’d thee.

Ye British Nations,
With Acclamations,
And hearty Zeal his Fame Display ;
In Colours Glorious,
And Strains Decorous,
To future Ages great
GEORGE Convey. Ye & c.

Fate. I Raise, and Ruin Empires ;
Decree, and make Immortal Noble Heroes,
Opposeth encroaching Arms of Time, and Scatter
The Mists of dark Oblivion ;
Rank Good and Glorious Princes,
Amoung the Gods ; Record their Names in Volumns
Above, outlasting Solid Brass and Marble.
But how, Illustrious Monarch,
Shall I proceed? So fine, so vast a Subject
As your Imperial Virtues
Will Swell too much my large eternal Records!

To make him Immortal,
Your Powers exert all,
Ye heavenly Nine ;
Each Artist inspired,
With Skill most admired,
Portray him Divine.

Fame. Tho’ as by Fortune bribed,
My Trumper I employ and prune my Pinions,
To spread abroad her Bounties,
And blaze the Splendour of her Dazling Minions ;
Yet those that Virtue most in private Practice,
Attract my Piercing Eyes and raise my Wonder,
In Spight of all their Caution to escape me,
With loudest Blasts proclaim abroad their Virtues.

Secret Virtues, Fame declining,
As bright Gemms in Darkness shining,
Ever their retreat betray.

GEORGE’S private ones Surprising
Like the Morning Beams arising,
Make them Selves a Glaring Day.

Val. A Sharer of his Glory,
Great GEORGE’S Fates decreed me :
The SUN shall never see me
A part from him ; where e’re he shapes his Matches,
From Warlike Britain to the Scythian Regions,
Or where the Danube Empties,
The mighty Fund of his Collected Waters,
Far in the Bounds of the Turcastan Empire.

Your Fortitude, your Arms
And Troops, Great Monarch,
Are Useless Grown ;
Your Virtues pow’rful Charms,
By soft Perswasions,
On all Occasions,
Prevail alone.

When gen’rous Views and Early Thrift of Glory,
To Arms at first invited,
The BRUNSWICK Hero fought with God-like Courage
And Conduct, I attended on his Banners ;
Dispos’d the doubtful Battles in his Favour ;
With Laurel Chaplets Deck’d his chafed Temples,
And Rais’d him Lofty and Triumphal Arches.
His Signal Merits first inclin’d me to him,
And soon secur’d my Favour,
Nor can the Associate of his Dawing Fortune
Forsake him, now he’s Rais’d to Glorious Empire.

Whole Groves of Laurels Springing
Their Tribute Yearly bringing,
Adorn the Hero’s Brows ;

Imperial Virtue blazing,
All Charming all Amazing,
The Highest Praise allows.

Long may the noble Subject
Of this Day’s Entertainment,
With joy and Loud Applauses,
Be celebrated by the happy Britons !
To hear Great GEORGE applauded,
Too see bright Beams of Joy and Satisfaction,
In all his Subjects Eyes on this Occasion,
Inspires my mind with Pleasures,
Or rather Swells it in extatick Raptures.

By Musick’s soft Measures
Enchanted with Pleasures,
I wonder and languish :
The Heroes just Praises,
Each Loyalist raises
To Raptures Divine.

Hon. With Love and Awe Great Britain
Behold thy Glorious and Auspicious MONARCH !
For whose Impartial Justice
Contending Nations choose Him
The Umpire of their Long debated Quarrels

Honour Rewarding,
Victory Guarding
Valour Preserving,
Render Him great :
Glory makes him Auspicious,
Fix’d his Empire stands by Fate.
Fame does not Cease to spread His Praises
While He enjoys the highest Delight.

[Final page missing.]

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