An / ODE / To be Represented at the / CASTLE of DUBLIN, / On the 1st of March 1727-8. Being the / BIRTH-DAY / Of Her most Serene MAJESTY / Queen Caroline: / By the Special Command of / His Excellency the Lord Carteret. / Written by Mr. SAMUEL SHEPHARD OF T. C. / Compos’d by Mr. Matthew Dubourg, Composer and Master of His / Majesty’s Msuic attending the STATE in Ireland. / DUBLIN: / Printed for WILLIAM SMITH, at the Hercules in Dame’s- / street MCCCXXVIII.
Rec. GUARDIAN of our happy Isle
On the Day propitious smile!
Let the Hours which bless the Year
In their whitest Robes appear.
And around them sportive move
Peace, and Liberty, and Love!
Guardian of our happy Isle
On the Day propitious smile!
Rec. Hark! The People’s Shouts proclaims,
CAROLINE’s auspicious Name;
Louder and louder the glad Murmur grows,
Rising in each Bosom swell
Martial Transport, publick Zeal;
And Joy in ev’ry Aspect glows.
Already they forget their Woes,
Already taste the Joys Divine
Which mark the Birth of CAROLINE.
Blessing with unsparing Hand
Kindly scatter’d through the Land,
Commerce thriving,
Arts reviving,
Grandeur growing,
Plenty flowing,
Peace and Pleasure,
Without Measure,
These the Glories which combine,
To mark the Birth of CAROLINE.
Rec. Lead the Royal Infant forth;
The progress of her Charms display;
Trace Her young Virtues and survey,
The growing Wonders of her Worth.
See the Graces here and there
Midst the op’ning Bloom appear,
In Her Eye the Smiles that move,
Dimpling the soft Cheek of Love;
And the whiteness of her Breast,
Emblem of the Soul it’s Guest.
Where innocence with Mirth is seen,
And Modesty with easy Mien;
True Love and Piety sincere;
And Wisdom with a polish’d Air;
Friendship unbyas’d: And a Mind
Fir’d with a boundless Zeal for all Mankind.
Da Capo.
How blest is the Fair, whose Form refin’d
Seems but a Transcript of her Mind!
Where Beauty learns new Lustre to assume,
And Virtue shines in Beauty’s Bloom!
And happiest thou of human Race,
(Adorn’d with ev’ry outward Grace
As Nature’s Pencil wanton’d o’er they Face)
Who the little World despising
Hast nobly soar’d above Renown;
Hast for Religion’s sake look’d down,
From Virtue still to Virtue rising,
On all Splendor’s of a Crown.
Da Capo.
Rec. And see! Where Fate a nobler Love appears,
See! GEORGE, thy Virtues just reward appears,
He comes! He hastens to thy Charms,
The Hero worthy of thy Arms!
Great as at Audenarde’s illustrious Plain!
When plunging over heaps of Slain,
Charging thro’ the tick Array,
He open’d wide his wasteful Way.
When high exalted on his Crest
Shine Victory contest:
Liberty before him Rod,
And Death stood waiting on his Nod,
Around him Tumult, and Dismay,
Pale Despair, and wild Affright:
Tenfold Confusion urg’d their Way,
And Terror adding Wings to Flight.
In vain to stop His fierce Career,
Rushing in Crowds the Gauls appear,
In vain the Living and the Dead oppose;
His Rage from their Resistance grows,
This way and that each fainting Squadron turns
This way and that with headlong Force,
He pours the Fury of Hos Course,
And foremost in the Battle burns:
Seems an whole Host Himslef alone,
And all Bellona is His own.
Hymen! In a blissful Hour
Lead Him to the Nuptial Bow’r;
Lay His Trophies all aside,
The Terrors from His Brow remove;
And give Him to the Royal Bride
Gentle as the Arms of Love.
Crowding round on either Hand,
See the num’rous Offspring stand,
Rising fair in Virtues Bloom;
Honour’s noblest Paths pursuing,
All their Parent’s Worth renewing;
Blessings of an Age to come.
Hymen on the blissful Hour
All thy choisest Treasure pour,
All the Sweets of Love and Peace:
Love and Peace their Hours beguiling,
Round them all the Graces smiling,
Beauties more and more surprizing,
Day by Day new Transports rising,
Glory with her Train descending,
Ever blessing
Still increasing
And from Age to Age extending,
Wait on them and on their Race!
Da Capo.
Rec. Now let the Royal Pair be shown,
Adding new Lustre to the Throne:
Around them publick Care be plac’d,
And the just Patriots sacred Flame;
True Glory by Religion grac’d,
And Virtue rising into Flame.
Let Justice rear her pitying Eye,
And Mercy clad with Wings to fly.
ARIA. Con tromba.
Call forth all the Nations, and declare
What Joy their happy People share:
Let Liberty the foremost stand,
And Peace her fruitful Olives strow;
Learning and Wealth together flow
And plenty stretching forth her Hand.
Da Capo.
Rec. Distinguish’d in the glorious Scene,
CARTERET’s illustrious Name display;
Such as he shone, when putting forth
The early Fulness of his Worth,
With all Virtues in his Train,
A Nation blest is happy Sway.
Guardian of our happy Isle,
on the Day propitious smile!
Tis done------and now thy Task is o’er
To GEORGE’s Hand the Empires Fate resign
Thy Guardian Care we ask no more;
Secure in him and CAROLINE.