REfulgent God! with radiant smiles,
Serene awake the infant year,
In promise that the queen of isles,
Shall ages hence be still thy care,
Her whiter cliffs while seas shall beat
The surge repelled shall roll the sound
Of Albion’s happiness compleat
To shores of wond’ring worlds around.
Of mighty realms remote possest,
Despotick princes hence shall see;
To make the monarch great and blest,
The happy subject must be free.
Cou’d boundless pow‘r, like Albion’s king,
On publick welfare fix the mind;
What Publick jealousy could spring,
Or with such godlike pow’r confin’d?
Serenely Glorious GEORGE his sway
Conciliates to his crown our hearts,
And ev’ry law those hearts obey,
Proportion’d happiness imparts.
To tell their wants, and ask relief,
Is all the happy subject’s care;
To grant the laws that heal the grief,
Is more than kings despotick dare.
Say, mystic Janus, whose intentive eye
The vast record of fate suveys,
Thou, who hast seen the oldest empires die,
And infant ward new kingdom raise:
In all thy volumes from the world’s first age,
Where happy states are markd at large;
Can’st thou produce a fairer smiling page,
Than that recounts the reign of GEORGE?
GEORGE, the scepter gently swaying,
Makes his laws the lands delight;
Chearful subjects laws obeying,
Guard and love the royal right.
Mutual blessings, thus endearing,
Reach the height of human joy;
GEORGE protecting, we revering,
What can Ablion’s weal annoy?
(Ends with the first chorus.)