On the 29th of May Dr Blow
Vers 2 Voc:
Up shepherds up
and drive afield your flocks without delay
See how ye Sun begins to guild
the chariot wheels of day
A morning this of wonders is
Then in imitation sing
wonders, wonders of another king,
once born a child,
but when a man,
by Restoration born againe,
Chorus 4 voc:
Then in imitation sing,
wonders, wonders of another king,
once born a child,
but when a man,
by Restoration born againe,
vers solus
The sun himself whose heat restores
ye beauties of ye spring
strews but ye fields wth plants and flowers,
and warmes ye Birds to sing:
But when our sun his race begun
dawning from ye southern shore,
Kingdomes yt gasping long had lay’n
His Restoration raisd againe
Cho: 4 voc:
Bit when our sun his race begun
Dawning from ye southern shore
Kingdomes yt gasping long had lay’n
His Restoration raisd againe
Vers solus
Renown’d day what did ye sun
Thy ancient Lord, afford yee?
Yee did he nott beame’s enou- putt on,
In all thy pomp to tend yee
Yes, he shone, bright wth all his light,
But alas eclips’d he shone,
By more splendid lights outdone
When ye bright ray’s of Charles’s reigne,
By Restoration rose againe
Like Persians ye Europian Kings
Ye rising sun adore,
Finding those feare’s were at an end
Yt vex’d yr soule before
For yt success yt seiz’d his throne,
Threatened yours till tumbled down
By more pride yn Phaeton,
[Chorus 3i]
But yn wth Brittaines sovereigne;
Loyall Obedience rose again.
Vers solus
Born ye same day, Restor’d the same
And in one Month two springs
Mysterious may, such fates became
Ye prodigee of Kings
At once we saw,
Ye blooming trees
& our Sun to thaw
Our bewinter’d liberties;
Our sun yt warmes us wth a spring,
All ye year long still flourishing
Our sun yt warmes us wth a spring,
All ye year long still flourishing
For when ye rude Autumnall wind,
Has summers pride destroy’d
And winter keeps ye Northern seas
In Icie chains confin’d
Freedome and peave ye two sun’s flower’s
Yt our Monarc’s motion tend,
Flourish like ye vernall hours
Distinguish then thy lord blest may and know
This is ye sun whose beam’s have Crown’d thee so.