Wellcome welcome happy Day
In times record for ever live
to thee the Year shou’d Tribute pay
since we from ye much more receive
Than all the Year can give
Come let us all our Voices Joyne
& make this Harmony Devine
Great Nassau’s Deeds
In Pleasing Straines Rehearse
& Sing his Tryumphs in Heroick Verse
Call all ye Sons of Warr his Fame to Raise
Sound in Lofty airs his Godlike praise
William like Ceesar has through Ten-thousand Dangers run
Brought Conquests home & Mighty Trophies won
Behold what Blessings flow from his Success
See How all partake wth Joye ye Frutes of Peace
His Arms like Alcides setts free Mankind
and Garring Crowns In Lasting Treatyes Bind
Halcyon Days and Pleasant nights
Now pay him all your blissfull rites
And Crown his Hours with sweet Delights
Soe shall Dire Warr and Discord cease
And William Reigne ye God of Peace
Come let us Rejoyce with Strings & with Voice
Till by turns they shall Conquer and Pleasure Improve
ye Voices shall Charme and ye Instruments Move
Rejoyce for Albion’s Happy birth
and Martiall/Gratefull Consorts send from Ecchoing air
and Martiall Consorts send from Ecchoing earth/air