Court Odes: No! He’s not dead!

 Selected item (#2065) = No! He’s not dead!
 Attributes of this item 
incipit (first line(s), normalized): No! He’s not dead!
version (if more than one exists):
the item's genre (general): ode
the item's genre (specific): In memory of William III
the institution/place or purpose 
for which the work was first destined:
Dublin court
the work's year (or focal date, if known): ? Post 1707
author of the text: [poet unknown]
composer of the music: Johann Sigismund Cousser
Number of texts stored: 1  
  • Selected text (below): #162 / Source: D-HS, Sig. M A/836 (modern edition: Samantha Owens, ‘Johann Sigismund Cousser, William III and the Serenata in Early Eighteenth-Century Dublin’, Eighteenth-Century Music, vol. 6 no. 1 (2009), 7–39: 37–9.)
 Selected text (#162) / Source: D-HS, Sig. M A/836  
 Attributes of the selected text 
source for this text
(short title, or library & shelfmark):
D-HS, Sig. M A/836
location in the source?
(i.e. which vol., pp. or fols):
type of source:
the source online (if available):
modern edition of this text: Samantha Owens, ‘Johann Sigismund Cousser, William III and the Serenata in Early Eighteenth-Century Dublin’, Eighteenth-Century Music, vol. 6 no. 1 (2009), 7–39: 37–9.
special title (if any):
version (if more than one exists):
about this transcription: Drawn from the transcription by Owens (2009).
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Recitative (Fame)
No! he’s not dead! the God of Day, Encircled with Rays of light, shall sooner forget to guild the azur face of Heaven, than Nassau’s Name shall cease to be adored, by Britains worthy sons, by him restored.

Aria (Fame)
I’ll blaze abroad her Glory,
and bright heroick virtues,
where Earth her shores displays;
Nor cease to sound his story till time and motion cease.

Recitative (Neptune)
What meant the Fates too prodigall to Nassau? I only seas obtained by Lott, my brother, Heaven, and Earth, but he partakes of all these Empires; with Laurels crown’d at Land, at sea victorious; Translated to the stars, now shines most glorious.

Aria (Neptune)
Still in endless toils embarrass’d, thro the series of his reign,
at distant Glory’s view,
he swift as lightning flew and cross’d each year the main.

Recitative (Albania)
Almost opress’d with Romish superstition, my groans to Belgia’s shores arrived great William heard, and hast’ning with healing in his wings, my I’ll relieved, and vent’ring all my sinking state retrived.

Aria (Albania)
Britons, strow his tomb with flowers, hold his memory most dear,
your defender Fate ordain’d him,
in your cause no fears restrain’d him dangers faceing ev’ry where.

Recitative (Apollo)
His Wisdom join’d Courage, kept equal pace; nor one outstript the other. Had Envy’s breath his laurels never blasted to what cou’d mighty he not have arrived, whose schemes were all Counsill well designed: oft prosp’rous, tho’ by Traytors undermined.

Aria (Apollo)
Tho’ Envy often baffled,
the projects of his reign.
The seeds he sow’d now flourish, by Anna’s influence nourish’d, who rules the Land and Main.

While the happy British Nation, reaps the harvest of his care,
all shall pay him adoration,
and renew the sacred due,
to his ashes ev’ry year.

Recitative (Fame)
Aria (Albania)
He the paths of Glory treading, drove the Romish fry away,
Who our Church is overspreading, preach’d up Arbitrary sway;
faith implicit allways pleading, teaching blindly to obey.
His mighty Prowess Belgia’s plains can witness: with Glory crown’d, and cover’d ore with laurels torn from the Gallick Gen’ralls, I saw him come: Hibernia’s streams have wash’d him, with their own purple dyed, the Monarch’s growing Fortune to narrow tracts of Land was not confined: Fate more for him designed; Gaul’s Navys burnt their Crews all kill’d or drowned, the farthest shores his watry Empire bounded.

Aria (Fame)
Glorious Nassau, glorious Nassau’s lasting Name on the British hearts engrav’d,
e’re shall fill the Trump of Fame.
He that so himself behaved from oblivion shall be saved, made the British Muses theme.

Recitative (Neptune)
I saw the Godlike Hero, when sinking Brittain call’d him firm on the deck, with Courage stem the surges.
Let’s go, says he, these Storms awhile may stay us; but n’ere shall change our purpose, or dismay us.

Aria (Neptune)
Opposition Courage raises kindling ardour to obtain. Adverse Fortune to sustain, gains a Hero greatest praises makes a Monarch fitt to reign.

Recitative (Albania)
Unluckily deluded, I let Rome’s locusts settle again within my borders, the spreading pest almost my Lands devoured what coud I do? This Plague had ne’ver been driven away, had Nassau not been sent by heaven.

Aria (Albania)
He the paths of Glory treading, drove the Romish fry away,
Who our Church is overspreading, preach’d up Arbitrary sway;
faith implicit allways pleading, teaching blindly to obey.
His Examples Brittons firing, push’d them on to purchase Fame.
They the daring Prince admiring, all in ardour, all in flame,
to surpass his deeds aspiring,
soon restor’d their father’s Name.

Recitative (Apollo)
His Godlike mind cou’d never lie unactive; the toyls of War, or load of weighty Empire in endless cares involv’d him. Not only Brittain’s Grandure, but Europes safety all those hours employed, by Peers and other Princes for Recreation lawfully enjoyed.

Aria (Apollo)
Great Queen of Isles,
see! heaven smiles
thy mournfull scenes are cleared,
when Nassau’s sun,
his Course had run,
and threatning Clouds of grief again appeared.
The mighty Monarchs loss t’ attone,
the best of Queens ascends the throne.

None the secret art to reign,
better than that Prince cou’d know,
none his point cou’d better gain,
better counterplot his foe;
His sagacious piercing Eye
farther than the outside went,
cou’d his Noble’s hearts descry,
reach their most abstruse intent.

Aria (Fame and Albania)
Godlike Actions were his aim,
fear ne’re seiz’d his dauntless soul; Foes his Courage ne’re cou’d tame, or his brave attempts Controul; sacred ever be his birth,
noted with auspitious white:
may the finest crumbling Earth
on his Urn lie ever light.

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