THE / Universal Applause / OF / Mount Parnassus, / A / Serenata da Camera, / To be Represented on the / BIRTH-DAY / Of the Most Serence / ANNE, / By the Grace of God, QUEEN of / GREAT-BRITAIN, &c. / AT THE / Castle of Dublin, / The Sixth Day of February, 1711. / By Their Excellencies the Lords Justices Command. / Set by Mr. John Sigismond Cousser, / Chappel-Master of Trinity-College. / DUBLIN: Printed by Edwin Sandys, at the Custom-house Printing-house in Essex-street, 1711.
THE / Universal Applause of Mount Parnassus. / A / Serenata da Camera.
Apollo with the Nine Muses.
Apollo. Such Harmony, as Crown’d th’ Olympick Revels,
When Jove vouchsafes to Feast the Gods, is owing
To ANNA’s Day. Ye Heav’nly Thespian Sisters,
To this my Sacred Lyre join Vocal Praises,
Your utmost skill essaying,
Your noblest Airs displaying.
Tuneful Virgins, all assisting
Now your softest Lays prepare,
Fill with raptures ev’ry Ear:
Wake the Lute from gentle Slumbers,
Charge the Flute with sounding Air,
Join the pow’r of Mystick Numbers
To the Haubois and the Lyre,
Joy and Transport all inspire.
A Ground.
Clio. No other, than immortal Lays
Her God-like Actions justly claim,
The Series of Her Reign displays
In Story an Unequal Name.
Calliope. The EPick Muse can’t raise Her strain
To that hgh pitch her Fortune climbs,
Nor all the Heliconian train
Express Her praise in worthy Rhimes.
Apollo. Yout our Harmonious Choir shall try,
To raise Her to the Starry Skie.
Chorus. Her most transcendent Virtues claim
The greatest Empire, Fate can give,
When She on Earth has weary’d Fame,
This Queen among the Gods shall Live.
Erato. Submissive Kings Her Empire own,
As Gods to Jove Submission show;
Above he sways th’ Etherial Throne,
She aws the spatious World below.
Thalia. Her Goodness with Her Greatness vies,
And Conquers equal with Her Arms:
One does the startled World Surprize,
The other gently it Disarms.
Apollo. Thro’ Glory’s Paths, where ANNA threads,
The rays of brightest Wisdom leads.
Melpomene Terpischore Ă 2.
Her Virtue none but noble Ends pursues
Resists Injustice bravely, and subdues;
Apollo. True Glory is Her only aim,
Not vain Applause or vulgar Fame.
Euterpe Polymina Ă 2.
Such Mildness thro’ Her Reign it self displays,
That Storms of War appear as Halcyon days.
Urania. No other than Immortal Lays
Her God-like Actions justly claim;
The Series of Her Reign displays
In Story an unequall’d Name.
Calliope. She climes the highest Pyramid of Glory
And fills the World with an unequal’d Story.
ANNA’s deathless Acts rehearsing
Crowded Annals can’t contain:
Fame will ever be dispersing
All the Wonder of Her Reign.
ANNA’s &c.
Clio. Whilst Providence supports Her
The Poisonous blasts of Envy cannot hurt Her.
Future Ages
Shall with Wonder ANNA praise;
Britons to the highest Story
Of bright Glory
Climb in these Her happy Days:
She engaged
Art and Valour in Her cause,
Crown’d with Vict’ry and Applause.
Erato. She shines with Heav’nly Graces,
And with Her Native Brightness
The borrow’d Light of Tyrant Kings defaces.
British Ladies matchless Charms
With the brightest Lustre blazing,
All with Raptures strangely pleasing,
Vie with ANNA’s glorious Arms:
They with Beauties Darts assailing
Like Her Heroes are prevailing.
British &c.
Calliope Clio Erato Ă 3.
The bold Britons from Field when returned
Shew their great valour by glorious Scars,
Thalia Melpo. Terpsi. Ă 3.
They thus adorned
Ne’re will be scorned
While we’ve Admirers of Pow’rful Mars.
Great Britannia as much is admired
For Her bright Ladies as Conqu’ring Arms;
Beauty desired,
Passion Inspired,
E’re will be filling the World with Allarms.
Thal. Her pleasing Aspect charmeth;
The Beauty of Her Laurel-Wreaths enhancing,
Those Wreaths Her Beauty more and more advanci[ing]
In Fortunes Chariot riding,
And fir’d with Emulation,
At Glory’s height She aims,
And mounts the lofty Station;
Like pointed Flames Her Virtues pierce the Skie,
Her Merits, all our Skill to praise Her Claim,
A Queen surpassing all, affords the noblest Theme.
Melp. Her Conqu’ring Arms implored,
Have wronged Monarchs to their Right restored.
Our Britain never gain’d
While happy Eliza-reign’d,
Such wond’rous praises:
Now to a higher Sphere
Her Glory’s ev’ry year
Great ANNA raises.
Our, &c.
Terpsi. Let Her but with, and Fortune Crowns Her wishes,
No Project of Her Wisdom ever misses.
Fortune caressing, great ANNA inspiring
Courage enflaming to Conquer invite:
Love by delaying,
Wou’d be betraying
Heroes to pleasure, when they ought to Fight.
Fortune, &c.
Chorus. True Loyalty’s all shining,
Evades the Undermining,
Oretops the ill Designing,
And baffles all Her Foes.
Ă 2. Some truckle poorly sneaking,
Some found upon a weak thing,
And others Malice wreaking,
The Queen oppose.
Chorus. True, &c,
Ă 2. The Gods bestowing
The Blessings on Her flowing,
With Laurels, torn
From Foes, Her Brows adorn
Chorus. True Loyalty’s all shining
Evades the Undermining
Oretops the ill Designing,
And baffles all Her Foes.
Euter. These Tides of joy o’erflowing
Are all the ANNA owing.
Laurels that adorn Her,
Encrease Her Native Charms:
With Glory Virtue\s Joyned,
To perfect Her designed,
And Grace Her conwu’ring Arms;
Laurels, &c.
Polym. How many ways She conquers!
By Arms ! by Intercession!
By best Examples! and by Condescension!
Brightest Star, that e’re adorned
Briatins glorious Hemisphere;
When th’ Eclipsed light returned,
Sullen Clouds did disappear:
Long in thy Meridian shining
May thy Glory e’re increase;
May’st Thou at thy late declining
Rise unto a brighter place.
Urania. Oh! cou’d She ever stay! and here inherit
A Crown! and Briatin such a Blessing merit!
Britain fear to loose her Glory,
Anf the influence of her Rays:
Grasp with Joy the moment flying
Whilst kind Fortune is complying,
And affords such happy days.
Britain, &c.
Ap. By reason ANNA Steereth. Cal. Her motions
To Glory tend. Clio. And Fortune
Has Crown’d Her with Success. Era. Her Orient Virtues
Cont’roul the Gods. Tha. And charm the World. Melp. Her sweetness
In gentle Tides o’refloweth.
Terps. Her Will’s a Law.
Euter. And yet She never forcesth.
Pol. One so Divinely Good t’obedience charmeth.
Ura. Her awful Virtue more than pow’r disarmeth.
Aria Ă 2.
Callio. Apol. Ă 2. While the Wheels of Time are moving
None shall Rival ANNA’s Name:
Cal. She the height of Glory gaining,
Mildly reigning,
Apol. Leaves no higher flight for Fame.
Cal. Apol. Ă 2. While the Wheels of Time are moving
None shall Rival ANNA’s Name.
All. When Heroes their brav’ry in Field have display’d,
Sweet pleasure rewardeth the Conquerours toyl:
A Muse. The Valiant repulsed are never dismayed,
But with the more vigour again will assail;
All. When Heroes, &c.
A Muse. They who with bright Beauty at least are repayed,
Have bravely attempted, and bravely revail’d;
All. When Heroes their brav’ry in Field have display’d,
Sweet pleasure rewardeth the Conquerours toyl.
Grand Chorus.
Our Glory and Triumphs to ANNA re owing,
The Trophies She raiseth for ever shall stand.
Her Britons, true Courage and Streadiness showing
In Dangers, do prove they were born to Command.
Our Glory, &c.
Hybernia (if possible) Britain outdoing,
Will serve Her with Heart, and will serve Her with Hand.
our Glory, &c.