Selected text (#292) / Source: GB-Lbl Add 22100, ff. 54v-56
Attributes of the selected text |
source for this text (short title, or library & shelfmark): |
GB-Lbl Add 22100 |
location in the source? (i.e. which vol., pp. or fols): |
ff. 54v-56 |
type of source: |
MS, music and words |
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modern edition of this text: |
special title (if any): |
(A Song for ye Queens Birth Day:) |
version (if more than one exists): |
about this transcription: |
Transcribed by Estelle Murphy, September 2022. Line-initial capitalisation editorial. |
Transcription: |
File options: |
Illustrious day what glory canst ye boast
Of all ye sons of Time advance’d ye most
In ushering to ye world two saints in name
In serene zeal and dignity ye same
In ushering to ye world two saints in name
In serene zeal and dignity ye same.
Heav’n in ye first a glorious work essay’d
He labour’d farr but on ye sudden staid
As if ye change he had not thought on well
But now endeavouring ye designe once more
And adding all adding all ye former store
He now his first Intentions does excell
Wht did this happy Island doe to gain,
Ye great and glorious blessings of her Reigne;
A Royall saint who governs wth her pray’rs
Both heaven and earth and Crown’s ye Crown she wears.
Wht heav’nly wealth would she for us procure
Wou’d heaven her absence scores of years Endure,
And long to us so vast a Treasure lend,
Since ev’ry Morn, she adding to ye store,
And every prayer does purchase more
Yn all our sinful age knows how to spend.