Source (#262): Richard Crashaw, Carmen Deo Nostro, Te Decet Hymnus Sacred Poems ... (London: Peter Targa ..., 1652)
Attributes of the source: |
the source’s short-title label (abbreviated title, or library & shelfmark): |
Richard Crashaw, Carmen Deo Nostro, Te Decet Hymnus Sacred Poems ... (London: Peter Targa ..., 1652) |
the source’s full title without abbreviation (initially set to duplicate the short-title): |
Richard Crashaw, Carmen Deo Nostro, Te Decet Hymnus Sacred Poems ... (London: Peter Targa ..., 1652) |
type of source: |
print, literary text, anthology |
Is this a composite source? (1=yes, 0=no): |
1 |
URL, if the source is available online: |
open link |
The filename, if the source is available in PDF in this site’s documents store: |
modern edition of this source: |
description about this source: |
Texts (1) defined from this source :